Several members at Talkgraphics have asked if they can use Webstyle or Menu Maker
Navbars and Menus in their Web Designer websites.  Please see the Xara Support knowledge
Using Webstyle and Menu Maker Navbars and Menus
Webstyle & Menu Maker in Web Designer
You can use Webstyle and Menu Maker themes within your Web Designer creations.  To do so
you must have at least one of the programs installed on your computer. If you have purchased
additional templates you will have more choices of themes.
For this tutorial I have decided to use the Cannister theme.  Screen captures will be from Web
Designer although the pages you will view are created in Xtreme Pro 5.1 using the same
techniques.  The colours and page elements for this tutorial are from the Webstyle Cannister
If you have Webstyle the files are located in the
C:\Program Files\Xara\Webstyle 4\WSTemplates\cannister (theme) folder.
If you have Menu Maker the files are located in the
C:\Program Files\Xara\Menu Maker\WSTemplates\Misc Navbars folder.
Webstyle users will find more ‘cannister’ files than Menu Maker users, for example Webstyle
includes Button, Heading, HNavbar, VNavbar, Divider, etc.  This tutorial will use the files
common to both applications.
 We will be creating a Horizontal Navbar with a dropdown submenu not obtainable within
Webstyle or Menu Maker.